It’s no secret that security guards are often in the line of fire. From performing safety checks to apprehending criminals, security guards are always at risk of getting into legal trouble. To help you stay safe and protect your assets, we’ve compiled a list of the top 7 liability issues security guards are likely to face in 2022. From getting sued for negligence to being held liable for injuries undergone on duty, make sure you’re fully aware of the risks you’re taking on every day. Don’t wait until something happens to learn about the risks – take action now and keep yourself and your guard team safe!
Assault and Battery caused by security guards
Security guards often have to deal with angry customers, which can lead to clashes. If a customer is violent or threatening, security guards are legally obligated to defend themselves. In some cases, assault and battery charges may be filed against the guard even if no physical harm was done.
As a result, one of the most common liability issues faced by security guards is assault and battery. This occurs when a guard harms or even injures someone without justification, oftentimes as a result of improper use of force. If you’re ever found liable in an assault and battery lawsuit, you could face serious financial consequences.
In additon, most security guards work in high-crime areas, which makes them a prime target for criminals. In the event that a security guard is injured in an attack, they may have legal grounds to sue the perpetrator. In many cases, assailants will go unpunished due to lack of evidence or witnesses, so as a security guard you should always be prepared with your reporting tools and make sure you follow protocols at all times.
Negligence caused by security guards
Security guards are required to follow set guidelines when dealing with disputes and altercations. However, many security guards get caught up in the moment and fail to adhere to these rules. This can lead to serious injuries for customers and guard team members alike.
One of the most common causes of negligence is failing to intervene during an altercation. If you see someone being hurt or beaten, it’s your duty as a security guard to step in and stop the attack. Not doing so could result in charges of negligence.
Another common cause of negligence is failing to warn customers of potential danger. If you see someone wielding a weapon or approaching with the intent to harm, it’s your responsibility to make sure they know about it. By not warning them, you’re putting them in danger and may be held responsible for their injuries.
If you find yourself involved in an altercation as a security guard, be aware of the legal risks involved and take all necessary precautions to avoid getting sued. Contact a lawyer to discuss your specific situation and protect yourself from any potential legal fallout.
Another major negligence negligence situation can occur when a guard fails to meet reasonable standards of care, which can lead to injury or even death.
For example, security guards are often instructed not to confront customers face-to-face if possible. However, if a guard does approach a customer in an aggressive manner, they may be held liable for assault and battery. In addition, some security protocols — such as key locking systems — can create potential safety hazards for guards and employees alike. If these systems are not properly implemented or monitored, they could lead to injuries or accidents.
Illegally Detaining/Arresting
A guard’s duties may also extend to the prevention of crime and the apprehension of criminals.Security guards unlike police officers don’t have the same legal protections against lawsuits, and are not permitted to do things that law enforcement can do. Illegally holding or “arresting” someone on the job is one prevalent example. This is a serious legal liability since it is considered false imprisonment. It’s important to understand that restraint here isn’t the same as physical restraint. It refers to restraining someone’s body in a specific place. For instance, even if it seems like a good decision at the time, security personnel would be unable to put a rowdy individual in a side room and wait for backup to arrive.
If an arrest is necessary, it’s important that the guard follows all proper protocol — from identifying themselves as security officers to ensuring they have a warrant or lawful justification for their actions. Failing to do so may result in charges of unlawful detention or even obstruction of justice. If you are arrested, be sure to keep all documentation and records of the incident. This will help protect your rights if something goes wrong later on.
Vicarious Liability at Events
Another common responsibility of security officers is to prevent and address crime at events. This can include everything from monitoring entrances and exits to providing security for valuable items. If an event goes wrong, security personnel may be held responsible. For instance, if a guard lets someone into the event who shouldn’t have been allowed in, that guard may be held liable for any injuries or property damage that occurs as a result. In some cases, negligence on the part of security personnel can also create vicarious liability . This means that the security company may be held responsible for any damages or injuries caused by someone who was hired to work on their behalf. Make sure you are fully apprised of your security guard’s duties at events. This will help protect yourself and others from any potential legal trouble.
Property Damage
Property damage is another common cause of security guard lawsuits. If a guard does something that causes damage to property, that guard may be held liable. This can include anything from tampering with security cameras to breaking into cars. Make sure you know what your security guard’s limits are in regards to protecting property. This will help reduce the chances of any accidents happening and resulting in legal liability for the guard or security company involved .
Impersonating and misleading
One of the most common security guard mistakes is impersonating someone they’re not. This can include wearing a security guard uniform without proper authorization or lying about who you are to security officers. Lying also occurs when guards misrepresent their qualifications or abilities. Guard personnel may pose as reporters, organizers, guests, or damage control specialists in order to gain access to events that they shouldn’t have been allowed near. If an eventgoes wrong as a result of this type of behavior, guard employees may be held liable for damages.
legal liabilities protection
If you are the security guard or company involved in a legal matter, it is important to consult with an experienced security lawyer. A security lawyer can assist you in understanding your rights and potential liabilities involved with your job.